If you haven’t upgraded to 0.19.0 please read the upgrading guide.

v0.20.0 of the runtime introduces several changes to the internals of the runtime, but the API changes are limited to unique cases when registering components that should not affect most users:

  1. Attempting to create a control with arbitrary configuration options will now result in a TypeScript compilation error:

    import { Number } from "@makeswift/runtime/controls";
    const num = Number({ foo: "bar" }); // TS error, `foo` is not a valid `Number` param

    Prior to this version, the arbitrary options were silently ignored.

  2. The Select control now requires options to be a readonly array with at least one entry. If you are not defining your options inline, you may need to declare the options as const.

    import { Select } from "@makeswift/runtime/controls";
    const sel = Select({
      label: "Select",
      options: [], // TS error, non-empty array is required

    Previously, the options array was allowed to be empty.

Additionally, several undocumented internal types and functions are no longer being exported from the package, as they were not intended for our public API.

Lastly, this version of the runtime now validates control configuration at runtime. If you were using the runtime without TypeScript, you may see errors in the console if you pass invalid options to a control. We recommend reading our controls documentation to ensure proper usage, or if possible, using TypeScript to catch these errors ahead of time.

Here is the link to the official release notes.